COVID-19 Statement
Providing Rubber Raw Materials to the Rubber Industry
The leadership team at G&E, CPA, RMA and Ravago North America understand that this is a challenging and stressful time for all of our customers and employees. Our employees’ health is our number one priority. We also believe that what we do matters to healthcare workers, first responders and the families in our community. We have been defined as an essential industry by Homeland Security. With that in mind, we are taking steps to ensure that our work environment remains safe:
- Limiting potential exposure by keeping all non-production workers out of the buildings, including our office workers, commercial and operations teams, and truck drivers.
- A third-party service has been contracted to perform deep clean sanitation at each Ravago location. These services are in addition to regularly scheduled facility cleaning protocols and the incremental sanitation protocols instituted at each site.
- Each Ravago site will be receiving an electrostatic sprayer as an additional tool for sanitizing common use areas in each facility.
What defines our business as essential?
Channel Prime Alliance and RMA distribute and manufacture a variety of thermoplastic and thermoset materials, which have direct applications in the fight to keep the COVID 19 virus contained. These items include:
Components for ventilators, hospital beds, stretchers and medical tubing; chest drain systems; respiratory devices; protective face shields; EpiPen injectors; hospital trays for nurse carts; EKG medical snaps; hand sanitizer dispensers; medical monitoring devices; potable and waste water conveyance systems; fire retardant film compounds for Hazmat suits; wire and cable materials that support critical Nuclear and Electric Grid distribution, as well as essential telecommunication applications.
We wish our customers, suppliers, employees and families’ safety and good heath as we battle the Coronavirus.