
ISO 9001:2015

A World Leading

300 First Street | Wadsworth, Ohio, 44281 | Phone: 330.336.6616


ISO 9001:2015

A World Leading


Ravaflex SBR Polymers

Ravaflex Solution SBR

Ravaflex blended solution SBR significantly reduces customer material and part costs when used in conjunction with virgin polymers or on a stand-alone basis.

Manufactured under tightly controlled processing standards, our recycled rubber products exhibit a consistency of performance and reliability that is trusted throughout the world.

Ravaflex Grade Mooney Viscosity Styrene Vinyl Non-Aromatic Oil Stabilizer Spec Sheet SDS Sheet Request Sample
Oil Extended / 1723 40 - 70 25.5% 24% 15 - 30 Staining Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox
Non-Oil Extended / 1501 40 - 70 25.5% 24% Staining Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox

To learn more about how G&E Recycled Rubber & Polymer Products can help you, please contact our Sales & Marketing Department at:
Phone: (330)920-8023
Email Sales Department

The information contained herein is based upon laboratory tests believed to be reliable. However, it is offered solely for guidance to persons who will make their own determination. Goldsmith & Eggleton’s products are sold without warranty, expressed or implied.
